I made this gift for a friend that is not feeling to well these days. This altered toilet paper roll fits in with the Cropstop summer blog hop challenge that you find on Veronica's blog. The challenge is to make something 3D, and so this is.
I live on Rena, and work at an electric company. I have just copleted 4 years in school and have become an electrical engineer.
I'm married and have 2 darling children aged 6and 8.
Seeing Red!
* Good morning crafty friends!*
Hard to believe it's time for another Double D Challenge and February is
more than half over. Hurray to both! We're head...
Welcome to a whole new world!
So today is an exciting day! With Close to My Heart closing their business
on June 30, I have decided to go to Stampin Up! and continue my crafting
Spring in rural community
Spring in a rural community means new life in a way I never felt it when I
lived an urban life.
We are connected here to the cycles of the earth and the ...
Guest Designer - Amy Brown
It's time for our final Guest Designer post, and Amy Brown (of Brite
Designs Studio) made sure we went out with a "bang!" I just love this
adorable owl c...
Easter Bunnies - Thank You Card
Hei! Påsken er nesten over for denne gang, håper du har en herlig
påskehelg! Jeg fikk laget et par kort, dette er det ene. Et kombinert "god
påske/tusen ta...
GDT Ett trykk - 02/2014
Good morning!
Here's a tag I made for the magazine Ett trykk, issue 02/2014.
The theme was confirmation, a I desided to make something for a boy ;)
Sketchy Colors # 151
Godt nyttår!
Lenge siden jeg har lagt ut noe her - men nå kaster jeg meg på utfordringen
hos Sketchy Colors:)
Det er en fargeutfordring denne uken:
Husker du meg?
Gjør du?
Blir ikke overraska om jeg er glemt altså.....
snakk om å ta seg bloggpause,
og det uten egentlig å si ifra...
Her kommer i hvert fall...
Jeg vant bloggcandy hos Gro Tjeltveit
pakken kom i posten idag, og så MYE har aldri kommet hjem til meg på engang
før !!Tusen, tusen, tusen takk GRO for den GENERØSE gaven. Det ble jul og
4 kommentarer:
Love how you wrapped the candles what clever idea...tfs
Love this creative idea! Thanks for joining the CropStop Blog Hop!
Thanks for joining of our CropStop Blog Hop.
great recycling! Thanks for playing the Crop Stop Hop!
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